
The Air Cannon

This is the Air Cannon. If you look closely you will notice many safety features like all pW rated PVC pipe & fittings, a 115psi safety valve, and large gauge. Minimum pW rating is 150psi. Maximum pW rating is 450psi.

Most air cannons you see have holes drilled into them and threaded to accept NPT fittings.  This significantly reduces the structural integrity of the device at higher pressures. My cannons are designed with a manifold and plumbed in ports. The diaphragm valve modifications did involve drilling and tapping threads but there is a substantial amount of reinforcement in this area.

I have seen some of these devices come apart on other builder’s websites and they claim you must sand the joints prior to “gluing”. I disagree if the pipe and fittings are new and not nicked, buggered, etc…  as the solvent welding process actually fuses the joints together if they are primed correctly and the proper solvents and glues are used. Rain or shine (the blue stuff) is NOT an acceptable glue for this process.

Here is how to properly solvent weld a PVC pipe fitting: SOLVENT WELDING

This thing shoots C cell batteries, rubber balls, steel shafts, broadhead arrows, glow sticks, arrows, t-shirts, gravel, water, log chain, and more.

This device with a 1″ ID barrel is ideal for “C” Cell Batteries. This is the most effective 25.4mm 774 grain projectile. Yes that’s 1.77oz. traveling well over 300 feet per second!

I chronographed the air cannon 4′ away from the chrono with a “c cell” battery at 95psi.

Projectile Specs

  • Weight: 1.77 ounces or 774.375 grains
  • Diameter: 1″ or 4.648 gauge
  • Velocity: 312 feet per second or 213 miles per hour
  • Energy: 167 foot pounds or 228 joules
  • Efficacy: 131
  • Sectional Density: .111 E*SD: 19

I shot a broad head arrow @ 5′ with 90psi and penetrated the chassis of a circa 1990 HP server power supply over 4″. My bow hunting friend tried to replicate the shot with a Matthews Compound bow with 85lb. draw weight and an overdraw. This is what happened.