Automotive, Projects

2019 Lexus RX 350 Front Brakes

I did my daughter’s front brakes. Figured I would document my process in case it could help others.

Sorry for the audio and background noise, etc… in the video. This was a last minute decision to document the process so I didn’t bother setting up my fancy recording apparatus or practicing, just wanted to get er done. I figured someone may find it helpful. It’s pretty basic stuff but i do list torque specs and things like that and probably call things the wrong name LOL so… take it easy on me haha.

you will need:
brake and rotor ‘kit’ for the specific vehicle
safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc…
cardboard, etc… to contain the mess under the work area, and for kneeling on, etc…
jack, jackstands, wheel chocks
torque wrench with 20~90 ft⋅lbf range
14mm (~25 ft⋅lbf), 19mm (~77 ft⋅lbf), and 21mm (~76 ft⋅lbf) sockets, wrenches, etc…
rags, brake cleaner, foam swabs, anti-seize compound, wire brush, etc…
method to compress dual piston systems if you can’t manually compress them

better with:
brake fluid moisture tester, pneumatic impact and ratchet, air blowing nozzle, low-profile mechanics stool with tool tray, extra brake fluid, fluid syphon pump (just in case), etc…

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